Tarot of Relationship

How do you feel about each other? This free Tarot Reading is meant to enlighten you.

This Tarot Card Reading is meant to bring you closer together and better understand each other. The outcome is not an absolute truth, so, do recognize that every card is a part and not the totality of both of you. Do you dare to become more conscious? Do this unique Tarot of Relationship.

How you experience

Random Image

How the other experiences him/herself:

Random Ram

How you experience
the other:

Random Stier

How the other experiences

Random Tweeling

How you experience the relationship:

Random Kreeft

How the other experiences the relationship:

Random Leeuw

Unique Free Tarot Relationship Reading

Your Online Six-Card-Spread

This Spread of Six Tarot Cards is unique in the world of online Tarot Card Spreads . Usually, online Card Spreads show all the cards at once. This means that the cards are shuffled only once. At Free Horoscope Tarot, all cards are shuffled again before your next card becomes visible. Therefore, your free Tarot Reading will be more accurate as well as more realistic. The Tarot of Relationship is a card spread of Insight above all. Insight into yourself, insight into the other and insight into both of you together. To turn the cards face up, please pause and concentrate for a few seconds before clicking on each card. We hope you enjoy your Tarot Card Reading!

Did you know...

A good relationship - Golden tips to remember!

1. Don't look at things as problems, but as unique opportunities.

Accept each other's differences and respect the other as he or she is. Think about ways to ensure, that your differences cease to be a source of confrontation and frustration.

2. Every problem can be solved by being honest and open.

Talk about what is bothering you, but, do this as neutral as possible. Don't let a situation, problem or irritation, simmer too long and don't wait for the other, to guess what's wrong.

3. Make an agenda about your mutual themes.

Do not try to 'sell' your position. It is not about who is right! And don't try to solve the problem immediately. Let go of solving and focus on communicating. Listen very carefully to each other's concerns. Keep an open mind. Start from the premise that you want to learn and grow together. Learn as much as possible about what bothers you and the other. Your goal at this point, is to see the big picture and to develop a (mental) list of the mutual concerns.

4. Consider, what might be the right time to talk.

Troubleshooting is likely to be less effective if you are tired, angry, overwhelmed, stressed or distracted. Save the big discussions for a moment that the both of you feel sufficiently open to the other. Practice to learn to accept others as they are. Learn to appreciate him or her, instead of complaining about apparent imperfections. Know, that you are not each others competitors, but partners and: Nobody's perfect! This can really help a lot to find better solutions. A non-disapproving attitude softens each others feelings and motivates to help each other.

5. Have resistance against anything that could prevent you from finding a compromise.

This is mainly about restraining yourself from personal criticism, haughty contempt and a defensive, blocking or counteracting attitude.

6. Be prepared to follow a "win-win strategy".

To achieve an acceptable result, think about what you can do together, However, it is crucial that you do not tell the other person what he or she should do, but rather, what you yourself are prepared to do. The first ideas are usually not the best. From the moment you look at your inconveniences, the solutions arise from the ideas that naturally come to you. Talk about what is most important for the both of you.

7. Never start a conversation by confronting each other.

Start a conversation by expressing feelings and by asking the other person's opinion. Do not criticize or blame and do not get angry.

8. Take advantage of small opportunities.

Now it's time to test your problem-solving skills (such as listening without offering solutions) as soon as minor problems occur. Times of low tension are perfect opportunities to work on your skills and experience how adult interaction can be taught.

9. Always give the other the benefit of the doubt.

The next time you feel disappointed, hurt or angry, do not jump to conclusions too quickly. Ask yourself: Is his or her behaviour perhaps motivated by fatigue, anger, anxiety, hurt or pain? Maybe you are misinterpreting? Try to find an explanation that will enable you to respectfully deal with the other.

10. Damage control

Always try to avoid aloof and distant behaviour! It usually causes irreparable damage. Do not tease each other by being sarcastic and critical. Do not draw faces and do not leave the room. Instead, keep showing interest in what the other has to say. Do not repel the other person by changing the subject just like that or too quickly. Do not be the comic relief guy if the other person needs a good conversation.

The Tarot of Relationship on this page, can help you gain more consciousness. This Tarot Oracle can also uncover the hidden causes behind smaller and bigger relational issues.

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