Do everything attentively. Life becomes more beautiful and you will be vibrant and happy.
Positive Thoughts:
Your Thoughts affect everything that arises on your path. Think beautiful thoughts!
Sudden insights may appear. Discover their symbolism to uncover their meanings.
See the most beautiful things in your past until now. Out of nothing new happiness arises. Will you allow it?
The silent place is in yourself. It’s where you find your peace, despite the turmoil around you. Come home to yourself!
If beautiful experiences of Unity are coming to you, you will feel One with everything and Every One.
Lucid Dreams
You will receive messages in your dreams. To gain insight, look at their symbolic significance.
Clair Voyance
Your psychic gifts are being strengthened if you look behind things. You suddenly know exactly what the next step is.
You will understand your deeper layers more easily if you dare to look inside. Experiences become more intense.
New Path
There are more avenues to explore. You will see multiple possibilities. Think "out of the box!"
New Vision
Look from a different perspective. You will get new insights and creative ideas.
Psychic abilities
If your intuition becomes stronger, it will make you more able to receive insights from the Light World.
Water & Fire
Water extinguishes fire and fire heats water. Learn to recognize the specific features of these elements in yourself and your emotional life becomes better balanced.
Sixth Sense
Your third eye will get stimulated if you gaze in a candlelight. Every day for 5 minutes, will leave you more open to answers to existential questions.
Focus only on important things in your inner life. Release the things that you don’t need anymore. You will find yourself!
By new insights, you discover how beautiful nature is. You become inspired. It will help you to become One with your Source.
Spiritual Path
It’s time for an inner growth spurt! Choose a suitable Path. Spontaneous insights are rising. Give yourself a chance to expand!
Old Times
If unconscious past life memories are being processed, you’ll feel free and happier.
You need a miracle. Just allow it to happen. It is all that is needed. Take time for meditation, rest and relaxation.
It’s time to recognize your gifts. Align yourself with your intuitive potential and get surprised by insight.
Time for Inner Peace! Release your everyday concerns and do something that will help you relax.
Be well aware of what you need and where to go. Don’t let yourself be distracted by others!
By taking a step back within, you will have a complete overview wthout. You’ll discover what you have missed before!
You learn about yourself more and more if you stop daydreaming. You’ll find out what is and what is not real. You will be balanced.
By being more conscious, you’ll develop your sensitivity. You’ll recognize more easily, what is your own and what is someone else’s energy.
You can get the insight, that you cannot find freedom outside of yourself. Be at home within and you will feel free.
Work on experiencing harmony in yourself. While your sheen expands, others will be positively affected.
If you think back to old pain, it does not have to hurt anymore. You’ll know that it’s only a memory. Nonexistent now! This is Letting Go!
Magical moments will always be theree, appearing as a gift. Allow it, so you won’t miss it.
All your dearest fantasies can come true. Ponder about it and choose for Happiness and Success.
Dare to recognize the beauty in everything. In yourself as well! You are a wonderful being with beautiful talents.
Love is always coming on your Path! Open your heart, allow your softness and let love flow. Inside and outside become the same!
Oracle of Answers
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