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Read below: Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards

Reading the Tarot is an Art

When you lay out Tarot cards, you're giving yourself a helping hand at times that (difficult) choices have to be made. Suddenly, a seemingly elusive fate comes within reach. The power of the Tarot is based on knowing, that chance does not really exist. While everything makes sense and everything has a cause or origin, the Tarot is much more than a tool to satisfy our curiosity about the future and fate. It is also one of the important tools for personal development and self-knowledge. Each card represents a universal archetype. In the 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana cards, we recognize the immeasurable diversity of our world and the eternal Cosmos. Each card is packed with symbols which every human being can recognize in the depths of his being. It's like a school where you can establish real communication with your unconscious mind and access your innermost being.

The Tarot as a Challenge

The Tarot is actually religious in nature and its spiritual purpose is, to dive into the heart of the symbolic reality of the world, and in particular; the reality of the world's own origins. Spiritual fulfillment is a human core value, and when we are very lucky and tenacious, we'll reach a state of complete fulfillment. But realizing yourself in life is above all about realizing yourself by taking on the challenge of life.

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